Generating More Traffic with Your Google+ Profile

GoogleMyBusinessNEWOne of the most important steps in getting more local traffic to your website is to verify your Google Maps/Google My Business account.  You’ll want to follow these instructions very carefully because with data, accuracy matters.

To start, go to the following page.  If you are not logged into Google you will be prompted to do so.

Then enter the name of your business and the address then click the search button.  If your business shows up, click on the result. If it’s already verified and associated with your Google account you will be taken to the Google+ page.

If not, you’ll be prompted to confirm the address information.  Check the box indicating that you are authorized to manage this business and then press continue.

Next you’ll need to verify your phone number.  Enter your cell phone number and click continue.  Within a few moments you should receive a text message with your verification code.  Enter that code in the box and press continue.

Next you will be prompted to verify your business.  This can be done immediately by selecting a voice call, or you can choose to have a post card sent to your address with a verification PIN number.  Obviously the call is faster, but you’ll need to be at the number Google has listed in order to answer.  Enter the verification code and you will be taken to your Google+ page.

If you choose the mailer, you will be taken to your Google+ page, but you will notice that there is a message at the top stating that changes won’t take effect until you enter the PIN number on the post card.  This is fine.  You can still make the changes necessary.

Once you’re on the Google+ page select the ‘Edit’ button to the right of your business name.

Verify that your business name is correct.

Verify your address information is correct.  Only change information that is actually incorrect.  Google might use different abbreviations than you do, but this is based on their maps data, so don’t change it unless it is actually wrong.  This might include abbreviating north as N without a period.  They will often use # instead of suite, as in #3 instead of Suite 3.  It’s best to leave this as is unless it is completely wrong.

Verify that your phone number and web address are correct.  Your web address should match exactly that of your website.  The best way to get this is to copy and paste it directly from a browser.  If you’re site doesn’t have www. in front of it, make sure that the Google+ information reflects this.

The next step is to verify your business category.  You can enter up to four categories.  These should be listed in order of importance.  For AV dealers it might look like the following:

Screen Shot 2015-05-08 at 8.44.45 AM

Next verify your hours of operation.

Next you’ll want to create an Introduction for your business.  This should be a brief synopsis of the services you provide.  Try not to use the exact same wording as used in the Category section above.  Google doesn’t like repetition and can penalize you for it.  Instead of “Home Theater Store” use “Custom theater installation”.

The same goes for location information.  If your address is Dallas, TX use neighborhoods of Dallas if you want to talk about the areas you service.

When finished, simply click the “Save” button.

If you have some pictures of your work.  Add these in the appropriate spots.  It helps with user engagement on your page.

Boost Your Rankings

One of the fastest ways to boost the rankings of your Google Maps/Google My Business page is to get customer reviews.  A good policy to put in place would be to email clients once a job is completed and ask them to write a quick review of their experience.  The more good reviews you get, the higher up the results you will climb.

Reviews are hugely important in terms of converting traffic into paying customers so don’t be shy about asking past clients to do this.  It only takes a few minutes.

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